Tuesday, May 15, 2007

That was REALLY close!!!

Today... After getting down the 147 today, i have to walk abit to a traffic light. As usual, wait till green man comes out before crossing. So the green man comes out, and i crossed... I was the only person at the traffic light that time. I walk walk walk, suddenly there was this Hyundai that zoomed past me all of a sudden at a super high speed...

I was thinking... If i was faster by a FEW steps... Yes... the car was just about few steps away (Less than a metre to be exact) from me only between the shortest distance possible during the incident... I would be in the hospital by now... Too bad the car was driving too fast for me to note down the licence plate number... I could only remember it being a dark silverish grey car...

Man!! Traffic police!! Where are you??!?

Current mood: =\

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