Friday, July 06, 2007


Im shocked by what my friend told me today.

Well... I shant mention it here.

Today we had a interesting lab experiment... We were instructed to set up a network with IP phones such that we can communicate with each other. Den after the call is successful, we have to bombard the network such that the network will go haywire. Den apply Quality of Service to it.

Somehow this experiment turns out to be over successful that it actually jams and had the entire network down, causing computers to slow down with some actually hung, and IP phones gone completely nuts and not working.

Thankfully no equipments were damaged huh.

Ermm... So wednesday we had our WISP presentation... Nazi and the Holocaust or wadever!! Its done. Finally. Should be able to pass this assignment... Our lecturer said that our timeline pulled down our overall... Haix... Sian ji pwnah!!!

Something else happened that day...

Later in our MR lesson... Hurhur... Another main project... Hard lor!!! Next week presentation also... Zzz...

Shall end here...

-- Im so addicited to the flash games i have in my computer nowadays... Especially Othello... Or better known as Reversi... HAHA!! 2 days ago, i managed to get a 54 vs 0!!!! WAHAHA!!! Well.. The computer player is too weak. Thats why... Those hu played with me before should be able to beat me easily once they know my method of playing...

Current mood: =O

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