Sunday, June 15, 2008


(Answer all questions)
1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
My sis
2. The last place you went out to eat?
NUS Japanese Restaurant (Sukiyo or Sukiya <- forgotten the name)
If not, its at home.
3. What was the last beverage you last consumed?
If not... Plain Water...
4. Thoughts at this moment?
Hmm... Nah.
5. Do you bite your lips alot?
Either when they're dry and the skin starts peeling off.
6. Medical, fine arts or law?
Fine arts!
7. Favourite drink?
Tea, that is not sweet...
8. Do you miss anyone?
Yes. Loads of them...
9. What were you doing at 6.00 PM on last Friday night?
10. Who was the last person you had in your room?
My sister
11.Can you speak another language?
Besides English, Chinese... Still a lil bit of different languages.
12. What are you going to do tomorrow?
13. Who was the last band you saw live?
14. Do you take care of your friends when they are sick?
Not really at times from time to time or so and so?
15. Do you like to read?
Magazines yes. Gimme a stack of magazines I like and I can spend hours reading them
16. Favourite colours?
Blue and Black.
Have you wondered why blue-black is called 黑青 (Black-green)?
17. Who is your favourite person to have a conversation with?
Friends, relative.
18. Where did you go today?
19. Nickname?
Kel, Ah-kel, kelfish, fish, ah-vin, ah-bin, ming...................
20. Tagged?
Sadocean... Thanks for tagging me... =P I've done ur tag below...

(Answer all questions except the last, which you will change to your own question)
1) How long will you wait for someone you love?
2) What do you hope for now?
No NS for me. HAHA!
3) what would u do if u re given 1 million?
Save it.
4) Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Depends. Yes to 1%. No to 99%.
5) What's your favourite colour?
Blue, Black
6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain.
Depends. Yes and no.
7) what are you listening now?
The fan on the wall humming away.
8) What your desired age of marriage?
9 ) Are you happy with your life now?
No. Life can be so much better.
10) What if your crush ask you out?
11) What will you do when you have crush that knows you have a crush on him/her?
12) What feeling do you hate the most?
Being irritated...
13) What will you do if you fall in love with a guy/girl?
Like her.
14) What are you looking forward in the upcoming weeks?
I hope those weeks will be many weeks after. I do not want them to come at all.
15) The most important things in your life?
Family n Friends
16) Who do you hope to always be there for you?
Family n Friends
17) Do you find life meaningless?
Yes. Life can be more meaningful...
18) Where do you think can find true love?
In my dreams... =P
19) Do you believe that there is 'True love'?
20) What's your greatest wish?
Can live on without working, studying...
21)What will you change when you can turn back time?
The list goes on...................................................
22) Changed: What do you wish to forget the most that cannot be forgotten?
23) Tagged
GX... Thanks for tagging me too... =P I've done urs above!

Current mood: Tired...

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