Sunday, March 07, 2010

What happened?

Downright unlucky recently.
It all started from my birthday...

People will know my birthday falls just right before I went to Australia.
And in Australia, I had a bad fall, hurting my right knee.

And when I returned to Singapore, I lost my phone.
And recently, on Chinese New Year, I almost lost it again.

Just before Christmas, CPF board took over $600 from my bank account.
The impact was so huge that it crippled me for the months to come.

I almost got into 2 car accidents.
And soon it comes my backache that has been lasting for weeks.
I also got a unexplained fever because of that.

And just a few days ago I actually short circuited the power in my bunk.
I shocked myself on the wall socket, and it cuts the electricity from all the wall sockets from my bunk.

Now I am having a ulcer in my throat.
First time in that location...

One another incident is that my laptop got infected with virus, twice.

Sigh... How unlucky can I get!
Imagine everything mentioned above happening to me in just 4 months.


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