Saturday, April 02, 2011

598th post!

Recently, or rather, a few months ago, my colleague showed me this site...

This website talks about the weird phenomenons in the world, the theories, conspiracy and all the stories, analyses, that might make people ponder over what they said. It kind of make us look at the world in almost a different perspective...

There is a couple of articles that caught my attention, particularly the Time Wave Theory, or those related to 2012 - Doomsday Starting; Doomsday 2012, and the articles related to 911 - Pipeline to 911; Mossad Link; 911 Aftershock; Israeli Vans.

Do you think the world is really coming to an end?
Do you believe 911 is a inside job?

This website is worth a read, I would say, unless you are easily disturbed by these articles.

***The bluish-greenish words are actual links to the articles...***

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