Thursday, November 30, 2006

This Week? =\ =/

Monday - Monday Blues...

Woke up in the morning as usual... Went to school as usual, late for class as usual as well... After school, i went home as usual... It was raining extremely heavily in the noon and is flooding, and i din go for my unicycling as i had to be home early. And when i reach home, boyboy is here... and ya... The same way to avoid him, the same quiet night

Tuesday - Vivocity...

After school I went to Vivocity to meet my sis... Makan mac, walk abit, and den shop abit... nuttin much... Iqah was there that day too! Well... The mall is still too big for us to see each other anyway.

Wednesday - Bugis Village... And Wedding Dinner...

Meet Jieying and Xinyi for class... Had my very first FOM class... Quite interesting... Den went for the talk... soon went to bugis village with them as well... A little new discovery for me... I din know that there is a second level to it wor... Oh well... den after that went home, den took a short nap before waking up to get ready for my cousin, Jess wedding dinner in the Hyatt Hotel.

Lemme blog abit on the dinner... The theme is black... Very classic... Food is nice and delicious... Den later after the dinner, it was around 11pm... walk abit around orchard before reaching home near 12am...

Thursday - BAD NEWS

Jess's daddy, which is my uncle, whom i said gotten the 4th stage cancer, passed away. He passed away peacefully on 30/11/2006... The news came to me around 6pm... Everything was like so sudden... Its less than 20 hours from the end of wedding dinner of his daughter to his death

I guess my uncle had been struggling waiting for her daughter's wedding before he finally take his last breath, completing his journey in life bah...

Friday - BBQ?

My class is until 12... And later on that day there will be a BBQ at 6pm. Well... I duno lah... Its still thursday now...

Current mood: blank

Saturday, November 25, 2006


In exactly one more month!! It will be 25th December... CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! And in a few days time, it will be DECEMBER!!! Somehow for duno wad reasons since im still a small kid, i jujst enjoy every year end. Maybe because of the rainy weather? I simply enjoy cooling and wet weathers...

Well.. This coming christmas... So far i had nuttin on. So...? well... Weird enuff... u will almost never find me in orchard during christmas... except if im in a car. Cos i hate crowds... hehe... Well... lemme say a HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS to everyone first...

And today i m glad my cousin SMSed me something... Now... Adeline.. maybe i shld give the 3 of us one more chance. ya... thats all... so.. ya~

Current mood: =

Friday, November 24, 2006

Im sorry...

Recently... well... not recently... but last afternoon... I received the SMSes from Adeline again... Well... there is seriously nuttin much... but den... I duno why... I somehow have this feeling that EVERYTIME you sms me, I cant stand it but to feel abit pissed off...

All this started ever since that incident in Plaza Singapura~ Yup... But thru that case i find u really... really... nothing to say u know?? So what if i call her mum?? Both of ya are missing, its my resposibility to tell her rite?? Never mind that! Its been almost a year since that incident passed... i shall just forget it...

Den the second part... Yea... Its REALLY good that u will know your mistakes and will apologise... serious. But remember everytime i told dja in sms? That you doesnt seem to be changing... Im sick of hearing your apologies lah... haix... Being my cousin's friend, u shld be happy to know that yea, u ARE are very nice friend... but den... its in a way even me cant stand it!! You are way too nice... until both sides turn negative. As you might have knew... My tolerance level is totally abnormally high like siao, even my classmates said that, but u are making me sick! gen he kuang is my cousin?

Mind ur attitude... its ur attitude being the worse factor. You are only a year younger than me, you are no more mummy girl, stop showing all those smses my cousin wrote to you. This will only make my cousin hate you even more. Please... Both of us had given you umpteen chances... but you does not seem to appreciate it... can u seem to be continuing on... Its impossible for us to constantly give you chances rite?

I hope this explains why i always took almost 24 hours to reply to your messages... And always ask you not to flood my inbox...

Now my cousin's case... Do you know something serious just happened not very long ago? Where are you? Haix... You had always asked me why is my cousin not responding to your messages... well... here's why.
1) Her sms cost as much as 10 cents each leh... Den for every SMS u sent to her, i will cost 5 cents for her... Since you are such a messager, its not going to be cheap for her to reply to you!
2) I dun think u know, but she is busy over her school stuffs very often now. Even me n her hardly contact each other...
3) Had you been lying to her? She had caught u lying a number of times... The incident that day when she is coming to my house is one of them.
4) Shopping is NOT cheap... With her daily allowance of merely 10 dollars, just eating a bowl of bah chor mee alone in orchard takashimaya will cost more than 1/2 of it ler... You had always ask her out... do you know that she dun like it?
5) Well... this fault does not lie in you... JEALOUSLY... got me?
6) Pettiness... Is one another thing WE cant stand you. That day she told you about the chicken thingy... Whats the need to flew into a total outrage? She is being kind to you! And yet you blamed her.
7) Your friends.. whey... she is NOT jealous of you having friends lah~ NEITHER is she not wanting you to be with them lah~ she is just telling you to be precacious... You do not need to be so mindful of that lah~ She is not the type of people who will stop you from having your own friends
8) Your over usage of the words "LOVE" and "BREAK" My cousin is a female, you too as well~ So can you please, if you treat her as a friend, use the word "LIKE"?? you 2 are NOT lesbians ok??? and also... you had been using the word BREAK (friendship ties)... it sounds as if you 2 had just broken up from a boygirl relationship leh~ do you know this is actually quite disturbing for her?

The above are just some of the factors.. nuttin big actually rite? but alot of ones and twos added up will eventually give you a huge number... got wad i mean?

Im so sorry... but i wanna say... I still find it hard to trust you after such a long time. I dunno if u will be reading this entry lah, but if u had read, i hope you will understand. If you wanna say anything regarding this entry, feel free to sms me... For this, i dun find ur floodings... So i ask u... can u do anything to regain back the trust i used to give you? Disappointed!

Remember the line i use to say? You can forgive but NOT forget! So i will never forget... But can i forgive??

oh ya... Just to tell you lah... i had blocked u in msn.

To every other readers... im sorry to enter such en entry that might or might have caused any misunderstandings... but i wanna write down my thoughts for my cousin's friend. So yea...

Current mood: Sick... Having a flu...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sick? Tired?

Today -- Monday Blues... So tired...

woke up in the morning as usual, set off to school... 1/2 sleeping in bus 147... den alight in Singapore poly.. waited for bus 74... waited for about 15 minutes... den the bus came, saw huining. den reach class, do IPD, configure all those nonsense... den lunch time, with atiqah and priya, den jiu FNS... stressful and pissed off as usual... den jiu from 2pm all the way till now, slacking in the library.

Somehow i feel abnormal today. Tired + runny nose = Flu?? Later still have unicycling. hope that will peak me up a little huh. short useless simple entry here. outta here...

Current mode: Tired.....

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shocking news~

Wonder who had read the newspaper today? November 17 issues... The article on the hit and run car accident in chinatown? The old lady... is the mother of my daddy's friend. And My dad said that I had see that old lady before... And she had come to my house before...

Well... I duno... shocking! but... i dun have any deep impression of her... just a faint familiar feel... A little faint familiar feel that i had seen her before... nuttin else.... =
Current feeling: SIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Using other people's unsecured wireless... Offence??

Yea... Is using another people's wireless an offence?? Wadcha think?

Seriously lor... The recent case on the first person getting sued for using other people's wireless... i find it so so so stupid lor! Every fault was pushed to the guy using that wireless...

Now think of this... The network is not secured... Does that mean that the owner of that wireless is totally not at fault? wad i think is that the owner doesnt even secured his or her own wireless network... thus giving other people a chance to access their network!! If thats the case, does that mean that the owner have to put in some responsibility as well??

The owner doesnt even protect his or her network, thus giving access for other people, now when people started using that network, they push the 100% blame to them? What logic is that?? Oei~ this stuffs are exactly wad i learn in my school ok?? I know you can secure a network de ok?? Zzz... haix... My little advise to this person kana sued... Go and hire a good lawyer and fight the case...

BUT!!! If its that u "hacked" into it, when the network is actually secured... den i... nutting to say ler...

And today i got my Japanese speaking test... Failed the first attempt... Failed again on the retest... =X My partner also failed with me... >_<''' Hmph~~ I din expect a swap in the question lah! Den the retest, A become B and B become A... learnt the wrong stuff again... den fail again lor.. haix~~

current mood: Zzz.... Rolling my eyes~

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New skin is up!

Yeps~ The new skin is up!!! Little changes were made here~ I made the font slightly... not larger, but bolder... and i had some other little small changes.. hope ur like it! =)

So.. now... im in school... library... cafe... break time... ... ... alone~ hmm... not really oso... My Jap classmates are here!! =) They just come here nia... but before that i was completely alone... well... anyway.. somehow i need times in school to be completely alone~ im really tired... tired of many things...

Nahh.. enuff of that!

Recently i joined a new CCA... Unicycling... To many people it seems to be just another useless CCA of no future... Hmm... What i think is interest that is the most important~ rite? Gotta out here now~ tarras!

Current mood: @##$%^;^%$#@#$%^

Monday, November 13, 2006

A new skin is up for comments!

Yep yep! A new blogskin is up for ur to comment on!!! This skin was a fall in love in the first sight! I removed the song dropdown list... If i want to add something to hear, it most probably is just pure calm music... But i will have to wait awhile... If I were to used that skin, it would look and hear something like that! Its now up in...

Its confirmed that i will NOT be using the previous skin... Despite all the good comments, I still find it being way too cute and girlish to me. Childish in some ways... So what ya think? Drop ur comments in the tagbox... and tag as if ur are in this tagbox HERE in this main blog... Cos the two tagbox in both blogs are exactly the same.

Current mood: Smiling! =)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The past???

Today... Many happenings i used to have in my poly life keep coming back... All the moments of anger, the moments of BOREDOM... and of course the moments of laughters...

  • During the FOC... I was so so so lonely... NONE OF THE PEOPLE I KNOW WAS WITH ME THAT TIME!!! And then the matriculation day, the person told me that INC was NOT a engineering course....
  • During ECEFOP, I get to know that Keith, from the same secondary school as me, was posted into the same class as me.
  • The first day of school in poly was a tuesday and lesson starts at 8am!!! Somehow everyone was early and we waited for the lecturer to come.
  • Hardly anyone have the EG1 books with them the first day, more than 1/2 the class ended up having to buy it... imagine having to queue for over a hour?
  • Then the first IN1 lesson... was by MR CHAN!!! He introduced us the binary system... one word to describe... BOREDOM!
  • The first OS practical, was by Mr Yap... The most cutest male lecturer then...
  • Den the thursday... The longest day from 8am to 5pm.. 9 hours of torture! with 3 hour breaks every even week...
  • The first EPS class... Thats how Mr Bong became F1's favourite lecturer
  • Den the fridays... only a mere 3 hours each week!!!
  • And the first sneak into Singapore Poly for lunch with Esther, Xianglong and some others.. was such a hillarious one with a auntie calling me a xiao jie or xiao mei!! And Esther laugh like siao.
  • Den the first IS classes... And i get to know that Stephanie was in the same IS classes as me. Through her, I get to know Huining...
  • Still remember how Amy Leow scolded us during IAC?? And also the introduction and formal presentation in COMT?? And how Irene Khng persuade us to listen to BBC??
  • The first visit to SIM... was with Atiqah and Huiping... We waited for hours for the kitchen to be ready.
  • The first lunch with my closest friends, Keith, Jasmine and Sophia that time was in Canteen 3... Hardly talk to each other, only a few lines form her to her and him to him.
  • Den still remember how Jasmine suddenly left the class for a few days.
  • Then the first common test in Sports hall... The hall was LEAKING in the rain!!!!
  • Den from IS classes, through Huining, I get to know Andrea, Doris and GX... And thats slowly, how the nutnut family is formed... Too bad i forgot the date le lah!
  • Genki Sushi... Andrea... Hah! leave the rest for ya to recall!
  • Den also the times how the nutties meet up for badminton... And how Andrea, Huining, Doris, and I was late...
  • Soon, the exams!!!!!! In the Exam hall... How sickening.
  • Year 1 Semester 2 came soon... A new face appear in our class... And 4 faces are gone.
  • The IS classes... Eugene, Augustine was in the same class in CATS as me.
  • Still remember the times i got closer to Eugene, and how we actually went to female shops in Bugis just to buy earrings for out project!
  • Ranedede 1 and 2 was created! Hmm... Its interesting how that name was invented and what that word mean... Err... No need to check Dictionary...
  • During one of the CATS class, one of my classmates threw her book into the bin and stomp out of the classroom. Not only the lecturer did not scold her, he even praised her!!! Thats when i notice Mr Teo Was a really understanding lecturer
  • IS SW... HARD Softball... Our team lost... over 10+++ versus ZERO!
  • This semester was also the semester when i developed the habit of buying mints every Wednesday because of the IN2 tutorials...
  • We hated our 2 to 3 hour breaks!
  • Soon it was exams! Another semester gone...
  • Year 2 semester 1... 1 more face gone... The actual F1s are left with only 10 people.
  • This is the first time we had our IS classes on Wednesdays. Practically half the F1s was in the same class for IEEEM.
  • For the IS, the childcare... HORRIBLE KIDS!!! And we actually managed to get the event done before school reopen from the common test break!
  • Den in class... MSOP!!!!
  • The dun care "method" taught by MSOP... "TEACHER TEACH ME DUN CARE" become the famous lines in F1...
  • First time having 3 hours consectative maths lecture for the first time!
  • Den also... First time IN3 taught by Mr Sunil... He unique pronunciations from him... All the "-ives" become "-diu"
  • The BEACH OUT PARTY!!!!! Well... Yea... Thats when i got to know some of the juniors... Michelle, Stella, Kenrick and Zhiyuan... And also Grace, Casilda... And alot others
  • Through Zhiyuan, I realised he is actually a classmate of my long lost primary school classmate!! Thats how he link up me and Yo Pin once again...

Well... thats so much i can recall when i type this post... Its really interesting to think back the past... Even though the past may just be a mere 1 year 6 7 months past... Dun u think so??

Current mode: Smiling! =)


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Small Update

A little small update here! im pretty sure that this time when u visit this blog there is no songs coming out right?? so just now i went to check on all the links.. and realised alot of songs are not working. so now... i just updated it... most of the songs are english songs now... And most of the songs should be working. so yea... if u find any link to any songs not working, tell me... =)

now the second part... Look at my previous post... the last 1 or 2 lines... mood is cursing... wonder why?? today i had FNS lab and practically EVERY FNS PRACTICAL will really piss me off... especially so today... It so happens today that Mdm Neeza was in a.... not-so-good mood... from the first minute she step into my class, after telling us what to do, she started scolding us for almost every question we asked...

At first i tot its due to my group, cos we were REALLY slow... and she keep aiming at us and she constantly come towards us to nag at us... Well... My partner was nagged by her a couple of times, me too!!! Volcano lava built up inside me in a extreme mode... To make matters worse, I got a question, I ask my classmates, I keep getting the same type of negative response... Ask you... how does it feel to be constantly scolded by a lecturer whom u used to think is very nice, and also "neglected" at the same time with the cold answers given out by ur classmates???

Zzz... den finally... after finishing the very last part, submit, I went off.... Went to canteen 2, thats when i saw my classmates, and thats oso when i realised my classmates also find her very wad today, and also was scolded like how she scold me and my partner just now... I joined kum hong in the lunch and later went to atrium, thats when i added that song and added that entry.

Well... My apologies if i had offended anyone here, especially to my classmates... This are just my opinions lah, im pretty sure ur are also not in a very good mood thats what explains the reasons for that coldness in that class rite?

OMG~ thinking back to that class... fury is coming back up!! i think i better shoo off myself before i start to gone berserk... Off i go to get a cold drink, cold bath, to cool myself down. And den after that i shall nerd over my nihongo...

Current mood: Cursing....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fort Minor - Where'd You Go

Nice song here! read the lyrics... its seems pretty interesting. dou its sort of... vulgar?

Artist: Fort Minor
Album:The Rising Tied
Title:Where'd You Go?

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,
"I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once in a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For while you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever
,That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...

Current mood at 12.54pm 7 November: CURSING!!!!

Birthday Post Part 3!!!

Wooh... the third part! wahaha!! today i had lunch with my nutnut family... All were present... its been quite sometime since everyone meet for lunch...

In the previous post i said i received a unique present from her?? Today i got a even way more more unique present ever! LOL!!! Well.. make a guess bah... If you know what we represent you know what they give me. Hmm... Doris used to ask me what present i wanted... But i said i prefer it to be a surprise... and indeed... IT REALLY CAME OUT AS A VERY VERY VERY HILLARIOUS PLESANT SURPRISE that managed to make me laugh the whole day.

Now here... I want to take this chance to say a big...


to them... wahahaha!!! Just in case ur r wondering what present i stated in the previous post, its a $10 dollar note lah... This year's birthday is really cute lah! hahahaha!!! thanks everyone who had wished me a happy birthday and everything! thanks again! hahahaha!!! This birthday will be remembered!


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Birthday Post Part 2

Boo!!! Before i start...


iT was Andrea's birthday on 4th November... and me on 5th November... I want out on saturday... as a early celebration with my cousin?? she gave me one of the most unique present ever... Make a guess wads that??

We meet each other in orchard MRT... and only to realize it was so filled with people giving out flyers... I walk thru the tunnel once kana stuffed with 2 flyers liao... hmm... as a habit lah... i used to walk walk around rite? so i ended up walking up and down that tunnel many times... and they just keep giving me flyers lor... off the the bin it goes anyway after that!

Den after that my cousin went to popular to buy something. yeps... den later go genki sushi~~ hehe~~ yea! the place we used to work in... and only to know 3 people still wokring there... no more! the rest never see before...

Den we decided to go parkway parade! its a long time since i last been there! woohoo!! Den we spent a hell long freaking 5 6 hours in the MPV or MPH or wadever it is bookstore... first time spend so long time in a bookshop!! just to find those type of special paper for paint...

hmm... later we had chicken macaronni... den went to somewhere else when it started to rain... soon it turn into a downpour which stops in a few seconds... Stupid rain... zzz... ok lah... den at around 8 jiu left home ler... reach home around 9 and NO ONE was at home!!! hmph!!! Lucky later my mum n sis bot back a birthday cake... very yum yum!

hmm... this my year's birthday lies on a sunday... this explains why there isnt much celebration. I dun really like BIG celebrations anyway... A whole day going out with someone and have fun is good enough... ^_^ Well... there may be a 3rd birthday post... hee~~ because 3 nutties are having birthday this month!

And of cos not forgetting one more friend of mine, having same birthday as andrea...


Now for the second part... MARIO FOREVER 4.0 IS OUT!!! BUT!! total disappointment... Almost all levels are repeated and there are alot of bugs and glitches due to the fact that its still in beta... u can try dou.. haha! OUT!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Birthday Post Part 1...

Hmm... Before i start, i wanna wish one of my nutnut family member...


We sort of had a mini celebration for her on thursday. Andrea bot a small cake **that was disfigured... for her... Ning and I got her some chocolates with MonCheri and Manderly. Andrea, and I meet her up in the sports stadium... Both Ning and Doris wasnt around... When she reach there, we hid our cakes and presents from her... haha~! Den we saw GX so moody.. =( Haix! Den GX shocked both Andrea and me... OMG!!! (Dun ask why... Read her blog bahx~) well... after the lunch we ask her to turn to the back and we get our prezzies and cake for her... =D

To GX: Well... This birthday celebration wasnt much of a bash lah... But i hope u like it yea? =)

So yea... that was the little lil' celebration for her...

And den later that day... I had a chat with one of my friends... And i got to know her a little bit better... I definitely like the thoughs she had on birthdays... hahaha! Its interesting to know the usual pretty **err.. not pretty, but VERY!!! 'wacky and crazy girl like her has this unique yet surprising view on birthdays... hmm... Well.. If you hear her, u might not agree to it, but it is to me!!

Think about birthday celebrations... U must had thought of birthday cakes and birthday songs, and the atmosphere will always be very high with full of games and yummy food... Right?? I was thinking... How about a nice humble and calm birthday dinner by the sea with a small group of friends for the night, with relaxing music without any birthday songs or cakes or games sound to you?


Oh yah! I most probably may be changing my blogskin soon... and i mean very soon... hmm... check back soon!!!! A preview is available now... comment on it please!!! BUT PLEASE DO NOT TAG BY THE TAGBOX THERE!!! Any tags updated there will show up in my main, which is this... blog...
