Sunday, November 05, 2006

Birthday Post Part 2

Boo!!! Before i start...


iT was Andrea's birthday on 4th November... and me on 5th November... I want out on saturday... as a early celebration with my cousin?? she gave me one of the most unique present ever... Make a guess wads that??

We meet each other in orchard MRT... and only to realize it was so filled with people giving out flyers... I walk thru the tunnel once kana stuffed with 2 flyers liao... hmm... as a habit lah... i used to walk walk around rite? so i ended up walking up and down that tunnel many times... and they just keep giving me flyers lor... off the the bin it goes anyway after that!

Den after that my cousin went to popular to buy something. yeps... den later go genki sushi~~ hehe~~ yea! the place we used to work in... and only to know 3 people still wokring there... no more! the rest never see before...

Den we decided to go parkway parade! its a long time since i last been there! woohoo!! Den we spent a hell long freaking 5 6 hours in the MPV or MPH or wadever it is bookstore... first time spend so long time in a bookshop!! just to find those type of special paper for paint...

hmm... later we had chicken macaronni... den went to somewhere else when it started to rain... soon it turn into a downpour which stops in a few seconds... Stupid rain... zzz... ok lah... den at around 8 jiu left home ler... reach home around 9 and NO ONE was at home!!! hmph!!! Lucky later my mum n sis bot back a birthday cake... very yum yum!

hmm... this my year's birthday lies on a sunday... this explains why there isnt much celebration. I dun really like BIG celebrations anyway... A whole day going out with someone and have fun is good enough... ^_^ Well... there may be a 3rd birthday post... hee~~ because 3 nutties are having birthday this month!

And of cos not forgetting one more friend of mine, having same birthday as andrea...


Now for the second part... MARIO FOREVER 4.0 IS OUT!!! BUT!! total disappointment... Almost all levels are repeated and there are alot of bugs and glitches due to the fact that its still in beta... u can try dou.. haha! OUT!!!

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