Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ever since I completed the course of medicine for my wrist, I had been having gastric pains almost everyday... Exactly the same as the previous time when I fractured the same spot... It seems to be less frequent but longer this time round...

Suan ler... I shan't talk about anything about my health now. If not somebody gonna label me as a chaokeng warrior and start talking behind my back again... Its like... as if I want those sickness injuries or those whatever shit... You thought I wanted them arhx? Siao... Maybe its YOU that wanted them. Thats why you are so overly particular about this. Am I right?

Anyway, I went visiting my mom's workplace today. Nah... No happening happenings happened... So there are not much to talk about... Huhu...

Off to Pet Society I go now...
Current mood:

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