Thursday, July 24, 2008


One day, someone you have no idea of added you in MSN.
When you saw the other party online after you added her him, it is a normal reaction to ask her him who is he /she right?
What if the conversation goes on like this?

A: Who are you?
B: Age Sex Location?
A: Huh?
(B started the webcam)
(Imagine the later part yourself)

After reading GX's blog, and my after seeing it "live" on my friend's computer, it seems that this is becoming rather common! So, lesson learnt... Do not accept people you don't know in MSN!!!

This is especially so to all girls out there...

My dad just bot a packet of Fried Oyster Egg home! Yum! But... at this hour? and with a ulcer in my mouth? Neh! Anything! Good food ranks first.
Current mood: =)

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