Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What now!

What now lah!
Why does everybody around me today seems to behave so abnormally today lah.

Remember a few entries ago, I asked about if they had noticed if I hardly blogged about my daily life all of a sudden?? Maybe I had found my answer... And its a stupid answer. Really...

Well.. I simply do not like those loNg loNg loNg loNg loNg OVERLY detailed grandfather's story with no much meaning in a entry. In the long run it will just get more and more irritating cos if u lead a daily common life, meeting the people you keep meeting, going to places you keep visiting, doing the things you keep doing, eating the food you keep eating, your post will naturally keep repeating itself. It will get REALLY boring in the end. Can lastly, I guess many readers will never want to know the every details you do everyday bahx...

Current mood: ~_~

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